
Beautiful Handmade Jewelry East of the Border

Is it just me or is jewelry becoming more and more unique? It seems that everything possible is being poured, molded, wrapped, fired, melted, spun and twisted into beautiful jewelry. The sky is the limit and beautiful, handcrafted on-of-a-kind pendants, watches, bracelets, earrings and necklaces are being made. I love the innovation, I love the artistry, the creativity and the unique flare people give their own art. I was recently at an art festival where a jewelry artist somehow implanted tiny little flowers into glass beads, they were real flowers, delicate and fine to make beautiful jewelry pieces. Another artist was twisting wire around anything imaginable to make one-of-a-kind necklaces. A third artist smoothed, polished and cut pieces of coconuts and pods from some exotic isle to make light weight purses, watches and other jewelry pieces.

Here in Richardson, Texas, check out the many, varied artist crafting their wares at art festivals, farmers markets and in unique retail stores. Jewelry in Richardson, Texas offers that southwest feel that is so beautiful. Jewelry doesn't have to be expensive to be well constructed and desirable. Some local artist are actually quite reasonable. When I was younger I collected charms from everywhere I went and to represent interest that I had. I often got a charm for Christmas, a birthday, graduation or at another such occasions. I have charms from Hawaii, Mexico, a piano, a Christmas tree, one of our home town and another of Disneyland. Of all the jewelry I have bought and lost over the years I still have my charm bracelet and all the memories it represents.

Check out the jewelry right here in Richardson, Texas; check out the art festivals, retailers and farmers markets and see what the latest and greatest jewelry designers are up to.

